Missouri and Illinois Business Dispute Lawsuits

Every Business Dispute Is Unique

There is no manual with instructions on how to handle every type of business dispute. Each dispute has its own set of circumstances and facts. Business disputes can involve breach of contract, fraud, negligent representation, partnership disputes and other issues. It is important to have a lawyer who understands the legal and business issues involved, such as those at Gray Ritter Graham.

St. Louis Business Dispute Attorneys: 314-241-5620 800-451-2950

Gray Ritter Graham in St. Louis takes business dispute cases on a contingency basis. That means the initial consultation is free and there will be no attorney fees unless our law firm wins the case for you. In some instances, your business may pay out-of-pocket expenses, but you will not be required to pay any attorney fees unless and until we are successful on your behalf.

Our law firm reviews cases carefully, and we make sure every case we accept is supported by the law and the facts.

Business disputes often revolve around one party not doing what it promised and, in the process, harming another business or an individual. The issue may be not delivering on time, not delivering the agreed-upon level of quality, or not delivering a product or service that was promised.

Here are two examples of the types of business disputes GRG handles.

  • A small city-owned utility purchased a power plant. The plant did not perform according to the terms of the parties' agreement. We represented the city-owned utility.
  • We represented a company that was induced to purchase certain coal mining properties through misrepresentation and the omission of material facts.

Justice should not be based on the ability to pay.

That is why our business lawyers choose to represent clients on a contingency basis when those clients have meritorious claims. Big businesses sometimes take advantage of smaller businesses or individuals because they know that the expense of complex litigation is prohibitive. Our clients pay attorneys' fees only when we recover for them.

It costs your business nothing to call and ask us to review your business dispute. Contact us as soon as possible so that we can evaluate the case and begin our investigation. We represent businesses and individuals in Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, and throughout the region.